Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We had a nice, non-hectic, family filled Christmas. We had Doug, Mary, Nick and Mishaun over for Christmas Eve dinner and then went to Grandma Linda's house the next day to see Brent's family. Jack made out like a bandit, despite the fact that his own parents only got him one gift (!). We had a marathon session of opening Jack's presents and our living room now looks like a very messy aisle in Toys R Us.
Opening presents takes a long time when you have a 10 month old doing it. Jack really liked the wrapping paper and the bows.

The tongue comes out during times of intense concentration.

Glad these toys aren't made in China! Thanks Aunt Tracie!

He FREAKED out when he saw his rocking horse from Nick and Mishaun. It nods its head and wags its tail and makes galloping and neighing sounds. Jack just can't get enough of it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Here's a shot from a few weeks ago. We haven't had any photo-worthy moments for awhile due to the projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea episodes of late. Seriously, this is so gross. I thought it wasn't supposed to be that bad when it's your own kid...

Tonight's upchuck actually hit the wall with a giant splat. It was all I could do to keep my own dinner down and immediately I was reminded of that part in Stand By Me where the whole town barfs pie all over each other. It really shot out of his mouth like a hose. I have never seen anything quite like that before in my life. We Mitchells have notoriously weak stomachs (Nick used to gag on toothpaste!) and I just don't know how much more of the barfing and liquid diapers I can take..

Oh, and Brent has it, too. Fortunately he can actually take care of himself. Mostly.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Hiking the Butte

We all hiked the butte the other weekend. Jack likes his pack and enjoyed his free ride to the top. It was an amazing day!
And check out those teeth. He's getting three more on the top. Yikes! Those suckers are sharp...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Jack's First Thanksgiving

We had brunch at Grandma Linda's house and then dinner at Grandpa Doug and Grandma Mary's. Jack had a great day. He didn't care much for the turkey, but he really enjoyed the pumpkin pie, so much so that I was cleaning it out of his ears later that night.

He even got to spend time with his elusive uncle Nick!

Do normal families gather round to play Guitar Hero on Thanksgiving or is it just us??

At William's first birthday party. This picture just cracks me up!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Well, here it is. This really is the best we could do. Jack HATED his costume (he's a sweet pea, in case you couldn't tell...) and although the costume says 0-9 months, apparently they didn't consider the fact that any baby with any sort of mobility will not allow himself to be zipped into such a restricting little pod. Also, these bozos making baby costumes neglected to consider fact #2:  any baby between 0-9 months will be celebrating his or her first Halloween ever and therefore will be shuttled around to various friends and relatives in the name of trick-or-treating. Have you ever tried to buckle a little pea pod into a carseat? The poor kid had to be stripped down to his onsie (that's like underwear for you non-baby people) each time we got into the car. We made it to two places: Grandpa Doug's and Grandma Mary's and then to Jack's friend William's house. Now William was dressed in a sensible outfit (scrubs for babies? genius!) and had been happily playing with his little doctor set while I had spent the last hour wrestling Jack in and out of his pod. After much coaxing, I was able to convince Jack to wear his suit without cramming his legs into the bottom part. He was pretty traumatized by the time I remembered to take a picture and this, again, was the best we could do.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Apple Picking

We braved the rain and went apple picking with my friend Emily and her family. Emily and I have talked about apple picking together ever since we were living in France. Her family has made it an annual event for the last 25 years! We had fun, despite the downpour, and despite the fact that picking apples while holding a wiggly baby is next to impossible. Nevertheless, we ended up with a couple of pounds of apples and Jack has been enjoying homemade applesauce for the past few weeks.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

At the Pumpkin Patch

Our little Pumpkin Patch Kids!

We went to Lone Pine Farm with our friends MaryAnne, Jeremy, and Lily. The kids were very patient and let us take tons of the obligatory pumpkin patch photos.

Jack wasn't sure about the goats at first (they are pretty creepy!), but he warmed up after awhile.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mr. Piggy

One thing is for sure: Jack loves to eat! He seems to like everything, especially sweet potatoes. The messier the better! He's also discovered drinking water out of a sippy cup, which was great until we realized that the diapers get soaked very quickly now. In other news, it's been a little hectic around here with me going back to work and Brent starting his fabulous new job and Jack starting daycare. Thanks to some generous family members, Jack will be attending his "school" three days a week rather than five (thank you Mary and Mishaun!!). Starting Jack in the daycare has been a stressful experience for us (the parents), however Jack seems to be handling it all just fine. He likes the other kids, the "teachers" are nice (and they are okay with cloth diapers- yay!) and they have about a million toys... what more could a 7 month old ask for? Also, he's crawling now so that makes his life a whole lot more fun. Not a graceful crawl, mind you, but more of a beached sealion sort of forward movement. Still, he gets from point A to point B and that's all that matters. Suddenly I'm very glad our house is so small-- easier to baby proof!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Asian Kite Festival

Thanks to our friend Jeremy for the headbands, we did not have a kite but we had our headbands!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Gimme that camera!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Our new paper shredder

Why do they even make baby toys? Apparently all you need is a newspaper... (PS: Jack is 6 months old now-- can you believe it?)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Daddy's Boy

Looks like he's got his daddy's "knockout" eyes--- woohoo!

Mr. Independent

Look at the little man playing in his room! He's getting so independent that you can actually leave him to play for awhile. He coos and squawks happily to himself and lets out the occasional high-pitched shriek just to remind you that he's still there.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


... and the living is easy...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Jack and Peter

This is my friend Melanie's baby, Peter. He was born on Mother's Day and the first time we met him he seemed so tiny next to Jack. We visited recently and little Pete is catching up!
This is just one of those goofy, sqishy, drooly pictures that I love so much!

Friday, July 20, 2007


We went camping earlier this week on the Metolius River near Bend. Jack had fun getting dirty and playing with the trail mix bag. We had a good time until it started raining. Oh well, that's camping in Oregon for you!

Friday, July 13, 2007

New sun hat!

So we went on a quest for a sun hat for Jack. It seemed so simple, really. Just a small hat to keep the sun out of his eyes and off his little head. Our first stop was Bambini where, to our horror, we were "helped" by the same super-annoying girl who once implied that we would be exposing our child to autism by cleaning our carpets with standard carpet cleaner. Ugh. The only sun hat for sale there was this floppy little cotton thing for $18. Now I'm no cheapskate, but this thing was ree-dick-you-lus! And it was white. Boooring. Went to Rite Aid. Zilch. Next it was off to Freddy's where we found the pictured sunhat in the clearance bin for $2.49. And isn't he so cute in it???

Jack and Lily

We had dinner with Lilian (and MaryAnne and Jeremy, too). Jack seemed pretty interested in little Lily. Good thing, since if MaryAnne and I have our way these two will be getting married one day!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Sorry there have not been new posts for awhile. As many of you already know, Brent was gone for two weeks doing research in central and eastern Oregon and he took the camera with him. Doug and Mary kindly invited Jack and me over for breakfast one morning and we got a few shots of the little man. Thankfully Brent is back now and so is the camera. Oh, and kudos to all the single parents out there.... it was a loooong two weeks without Brent!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Our Little Genius

First let me say that we do not support the Baby Einstein/Disney corporation, BUT this book was a gift and Jack really seems to like it. His newest "trick" is rolling from back to front and then reading his books. Since he is a child genius, I guess we'll be moving on to Dickens soon....

Friday, June 15, 2007

Welcome Baby Lilian!

Lilian Joy was born to our friends MaryAnne and Jeremy on June 10th. Good thing she came early, since she was already 8lbs 10 oz. We can't wait to spend more time with her!


Jack has been becoming more interested in what we eat, so I decided to let him taste a strawberry from our garden. He liked it! But then I found out that you're not supposed to give babies strawberries until they are a year old. Oops.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Big Boy!

Doesn't he look like such a little man in this picture? He is growing so fast!