Friday, July 20, 2007


We went camping earlier this week on the Metolius River near Bend. Jack had fun getting dirty and playing with the trail mix bag. We had a good time until it started raining. Oh well, that's camping in Oregon for you!

Friday, July 13, 2007

New sun hat!

So we went on a quest for a sun hat for Jack. It seemed so simple, really. Just a small hat to keep the sun out of his eyes and off his little head. Our first stop was Bambini where, to our horror, we were "helped" by the same super-annoying girl who once implied that we would be exposing our child to autism by cleaning our carpets with standard carpet cleaner. Ugh. The only sun hat for sale there was this floppy little cotton thing for $18. Now I'm no cheapskate, but this thing was ree-dick-you-lus! And it was white. Boooring. Went to Rite Aid. Zilch. Next it was off to Freddy's where we found the pictured sunhat in the clearance bin for $2.49. And isn't he so cute in it???

Jack and Lily

We had dinner with Lilian (and MaryAnne and Jeremy, too). Jack seemed pretty interested in little Lily. Good thing, since if MaryAnne and I have our way these two will be getting married one day!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Sorry there have not been new posts for awhile. As many of you already know, Brent was gone for two weeks doing research in central and eastern Oregon and he took the camera with him. Doug and Mary kindly invited Jack and me over for breakfast one morning and we got a few shots of the little man. Thankfully Brent is back now and so is the camera. Oh, and kudos to all the single parents out there.... it was a loooong two weeks without Brent!