Oh hello there! Have you been expecting blog updates?
Things have been pretty busy around here what with Sawyer's new mobility and his enthusiastic appetite/lack of table manners. He rolls and rolls all over the place- sometimes from room to room if you don't keep a close eye on him. Sawyer's foods of choice so far are bananas and peas, but I think he is starting to catching on to the fact that we eat way better than he does. Last night he grabbed a fistful of spaghetti off my plate and shoved it into his mouth. He is a messy, messy guy, but man this kid is happy. He smiles with his whole body and his laugh is totally contagious.
This is what happens when you cut the fabric for the baby's pajamas and set it aside for two months. At least they fit the monkey. We've been talking about Halloween and Jack is pretty excited to be... a puppy (once again! Hey, that suit was big on him last year- I think we can get another season out of it!). But I think Jack has become confused about the upcoming holidays as he said something the other day about Santa bringing him a pumpkin on Christmas. His vocabulary and imagination have been running wild lately and he's been quite entertaining.
And finally, this one is for my Grandma Helen and Aunt Bobbi: Lily in the twirl skirt.
Happy fall. I love this time of year, even though it means I am back at work. I love the fresh newness that comes with the start of a school year and the flexibility and creativity that my job entails. I love seeing kids get sucked into a book and make meaningful connections between something we read and their own lives. I love the fact that this is my fifth year of teaching and I finally feel like I know what I am doing.
Most of all, though, I am loving coming home each afternoon to my three happy boys and hearing about their adventures from the day.