Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow Day!

Sunday morning we woke up to a snowy surprise! It was beautiful, but very cold and I was so glad that we recently had our entire house weatherized. We had our weekly pancake breakfast and then bundled up and headed outside. Jack had never seen real snow before and he laughed and laughed. I felt bad, though, because we realized that we don't have gloves for him so his poor little hands were freezing cold. I ended up stuffing his hands up into the arms of his snowsuit, but realized later that a pair of socks would have been more effective..

I think we got around 5 inches. That' s a lot for us!

My coworker Laura gave us this snowsuit. It's super warm and cozy (and apparently it tastes good, too!).

I do not drive in the snow. One, I am scared of sliding around on the road. Two, I am afraid of the other cars sliding around on the road. Oh, and three, I don't know how. Many people have offered to teach me, but I say that ignorance is bliss. I use any amount of snowfall as an excuse to stay home and I'm perfectly happy with that. So Sunday we stayed home and enjoyed the snow for most of the day. Now, I have to clarify... Brent is not afraid to drive in the snow, in fact he enjoys it. I, however, refuse to get into the car when it's snowing unless it's absolutely necessary (and no, going to the home show at the fairgrounds is not absolutely necessary). He finally convinced me to go to the grocery store with him in the afternoon and I about had a heart attack as we were going down 28th. So aside from that, our snow day was pretty fun.


summer said...

I am completely with you on not wanting to drive in the snow, it scares me!

I am glad you had fun though, my kids loved it too. Your pics are great.

Not quite the Bradys said...

In response to your question about us people in This Place thinking you Oregonians are a bunch of wimps: I might have thought that but the same day you wrote me that email, I talked to Rebecca up in the nether-regions of Idaho. Up there, they only cancel school if the weather drops past 20 below zero. If the weather is over zero degrees, the kids have to go OUTSIDE at recess. I felt like a TOTAL wimp by comparison.