Monday, March 31, 2008

The New Leaf

You might be wondering what's up with all these postings. I have been such a slacker with this blog, but I'm tellin' ya people that I've turned over a new leaf. I've been inspired by my dear friend aberjaber who maintains this fabulous blog while also maintaining six times as many children as I have (did I do that math right? She has 6, I have 1). Also I've discovered that people only check your blog if you update it on a regular basis. So here's the new and improved blog. Can anyone suggest a new and improved title??


Not quite the Bradys said...

Hey, thanks for the nod. I like your new colors. I like the ranting too. It makes me feel like I'm normal and not just whiney. : )

Not quite the Bradys said...

Depending on how much having a child has influenced/changed your life/how you see things/ etc., you could call it The House That Jack Built.