Friday, April 4, 2008


My mom exclaimed "TGIF!" every single Friday of my life that I can remember. Now that I am an adult and parent, it amazes me that she could work so hard as a nurse during the day and still come home to be super-mom at night. If you didn't get a chance to know her, you missed out.

Today would be her 57th birthday. I often catch myself thinking about the grandma that she would have been...

Here's why I'm so glad it's Friday:

  • Jack has a playdate with his friend Will on Saturday morning and I have a friend date with Will's mom.
  • Brent is bringing home pizza for dinner tonight.
  • My BFF Al is coming over on Saturday night for wine and Phase 10 (do you play?).
  • Tomorrow is my day to sleep in.

There was some serious drama at work yesterday with someone being a you-know-what to someone else in front of a bunch of people. It was really, really inappropriate and uncomfortable and almost ruined my day (I tend to empathize too much). But, something funny happened to counteract that bad experience (kind of).

I was at an IEP meeting with teachers and a parent and the SpEd teacher said to the parent, "I gave your son the Woodcock-Johnson last week..." It's a reading test, but still. You don't have to say it like that. I was almost snorting chai tea out of my nose (how unprofessional I am!).


Not quite the Bradys said...

Yayyyy! You picked my name! I feel so honored. : )

Cassadie said...

Good things your suggestion was so good, since it was the only one... ha ha.
Glad you could appreciate the Woodcock-Johnson humor. I'm still getting giggles from that one.

Not quite the Bradys said...

Hey, I forgot to say- I remember your mom saying "TGIF!" every time I came over to spend the night. I had forgotten it until reading it, but I remember it. Particularly one time when I was sitting at the kitchen table by myself (maybe you were in the bathroom?) anyway, she came home and came in and it was the first and very loud thing she said to me. : ) I remember that distinctly because at the time I wasn't really sure what the appropriate response was, so I just smiled.

Autumn Brown said...

Your mom was so cool! I still wish my dad would have married her. ;) he he Total thought about me...surprise. I was actually thinking about her when we where doing invites. In my head I total said "Damn it! I want to invite Debbie!" She really was quite cool, no matter how much you to argued.