Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Yes, these are old now, I know, but I figured I needed to take care of the Thanksgiving post before Christmas comes along. We had a really nice Thanksgiving dinner at our house with Brent's family and my family. Jack made a great show of pretending to eat  his dinner. Once dessert was served, he wasn't messing around anymore.  He scarfed down two pieces of pie and asked for more. He gets this sweet tooth from me.

(not pictured: me, the photographer and Brent's grandma, hiding)
We had to make one last trip to the apple orchards to satisfy my pregnancy craving for crisp apples. This time at least it wasn't raining. 


Not quite the Bradys said...

Did you photoshop this picture? The colors/lighting here are great.

Cassadie said...

Nope, no photoshop (I don't even know how to photoshop pictures, but I am flattered that you would think I might). Brent is just a really good photographer. I take no credit for this whatsoever. Although it was my idea to go apple picking...

Summer said...

I love the picture of Jack with the apples..very cute!