Monday, May 4, 2009

Ruby and Hazel

Here are "the girls" as they are affectionately referred to around here. Brent has been building them a chicken chalet (it's sooo much more than just a coop) and so in the meantime they have been living in a box in our garage. We decided to take them out in the yard and give them their first taste of freedom, but all they did was fight over the same piece of cardboard. You can see Hazel's triumphant moment of victory in the second photo. Strange, strange creatures.


MaryAnne said...

Your story about the chickens fighting over the piece of cardboard sounds strangely similar to our episodes of Jack and Lily fighting over the same ball, book, etc. Well, I guess toddlers are strange creatures too!

Frank said...

Chickens!!! X-Man now wants baby ducks. Whatever happened to hamsters?

Steven Modee said...

They're cute and someday they'll lay eggs. What could be cooler than that?