Jack's favorite book of all time! And highly recommended by us, too. This is one that you actually don't mind reading over and over again. Or at least you don't mind as much as, say, "Green Eggs and Ham". Just try the damn eggs already!
And let me tell you, it was pretty darn cute watching my two year old walk up to the children's librarian and ask if she had any books about garbage trucks.
you guys weren't kidding about his love for garbage trucks! very cute. I will have to remember to add that book to our collection someday...
I met a poet in Portland a number of years ago. His paying job was working on a garbage truck. The term they used for the work was "shagging cans." He considered it important work, plus by starting at around 5:00 am, he had most of the day to write. Jack's interest in the sanitary sciences should not be discouraged!
--Grandpa Doug
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