Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our Winter Wonderland

Sunny but cold days have meant lots of time spent bundled up and playing outside. These clear and vibrant winter days are a real treat for Oregonians who spent the majority of wintertime soaked by rain. Jack continues to enjoy play dough, and it's something we don't mind playing, either.

Sawyer already has his BFF picked out. This is Noah, the baby who lives across the street with his parents, Katrina and Mark. We are so lucky to live in a neighborhood with so many little kids and young families.

As much as I love being outside all summer long, there is also something to be said for the cuddling, tickling, and silly times that happen on the days when you're stuck inside.

Jack and Sawyer's cousin Xavier came to visit. He is a sweet little man who makes our kids seem pretty wild by comparison. I think he must be an old, wise soul.

Weekly trips to the library mean lots of time spent reading and snuggling on the couch.

Our search for the perfect Christmas tree was a success! This year we went to a farm near my work and cut down our own tree. I have finally come to the realization that it's worth it to spend the money and get a nicer tree. It looks beautiful. I'd love to show you photos of us decorating the tree, but anyone who has ever attempted decorating a Christmas tree with two small children will understand why there are none.