Monday, December 28, 2009
Hello friends and family! Please join us at our new blog The House with the Red Screen Door. You can now sign up for an email subscription to our latest posts- see you there!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Our Winter Wonderland
Sunny but cold days have meant lots of time spent bundled up and playing outside. These clear and vibrant winter days are a real treat for Oregonians who spent the majority of wintertime soaked by rain. Jack continues to enjoy play dough, and it's something we don't mind playing, either.
Sawyer already has his BFF picked out. This is Noah, the baby who lives across the street with his parents, Katrina and Mark. We are so lucky to live in a neighborhood with so many little kids and young families.
As much as I love being outside all summer long, there is also something to be said for the cuddling, tickling, and silly times that happen on the days when you're stuck inside.
Jack and Sawyer's cousin Xavier came to visit. He is a sweet little man who makes our kids seem pretty wild by comparison. I think he must be an old, wise soul.
Weekly trips to the library mean lots of time spent reading and snuggling on the couch.
Our search for the perfect Christmas tree was a success! This year we went to a farm near my work and cut down our own tree. I have finally come to the realization that it's worth it to spend the money and get a nicer tree. It looks beautiful. I'd love to show you photos of us decorating the tree, but anyone who has ever attempted decorating a Christmas tree with two small children will understand why there are none.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Fall to Winter
Winter is creeping in upon us and we have been spending our evenings huddled around the new wood stove. Why didn't we get this sooner? Our house has become a very cozy place. Sawyer has become somewhat obsessed with the wood stove and I see a hard lesson in his future...
This last week has been a long one. Two different friends were each given devastating news about their pregnancies and now must grieve for a child that will never be. My heart is broken.
And yet, my heart is full. Throughout this week of sadness and questions and grief, I find myself surrounded by love and giggles and kisses and hugs.
This world is a very strange place.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Here are the boys in their Halloween fancies! Jack's puppy suit was so big on him last year that I decided he could wear it again this year. This was a brilliant move on my part because it meant that I only had to come up with Sawyer's costume. I thought it would be perfect to dress him in a brown sweat suit and then all I would have to do was make a smaller version of Jack's puppy hand. Pure genius, I tell you!
After waiting until the last minute (Friday night) to get started on the hat, my sewing machine (which has been limping along for awhile now) finally went wheels up. What's that I am always telling my students about waiting until the last minute to start things?
I raced up to my friend MaryAnne's house on Saturday morning and got the hat finished just in the nick of time. Well, just in the nick of time for Sawyer to decide that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. He refused to wear the hat, opting instead to gum and drool on the ears and scream bloody murder when we tried to snap a few Halloween photos for posterity.
After waiting until the last minute (Friday night) to get started on the hat, my sewing machine (which has been limping along for awhile now) finally went wheels up. What's that I am always telling my students about waiting until the last minute to start things?
I raced up to my friend MaryAnne's house on Saturday morning and got the hat finished just in the nick of time. Well, just in the nick of time for Sawyer to decide that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. He refused to wear the hat, opting instead to gum and drool on the ears and scream bloody murder when we tried to snap a few Halloween photos for posterity.
But we persevered into the next day and finally captured this momentous occasion. Can't you almost hear the wailing?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Apples, year 3
It's hard to believe that this is our third annual trip to the apple orchard. We started going the year Jack was born and we decided to make it a fall family tradition. I just can't quite wrap my brain around the idea that we've been doing this for three years now. Time is really flying.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Floating into Fall
Well, the big news around here is... well, it's nothing much. I guess I kind of like it that way, though. Thanks to Brent's hard work and some fancy flagstone that we scored a few years back, we now have a new patio in our backyard. I guess that's pretty big news.
In case you were wondering, chickens are not very helpful when you are building a new patio.

The three older members of the family snuck out on the boat last weekend to savor that fleeting early fall warm weather. Jack likes to watch his dad fish and he even did a little fishing himself with a toy fishing rod made by Brent. No bites, though. Maybe next time. (Secretly I was relieved- even though Brent does catch and release, that whole hook through the mouth think kind of freaks me out. Not sure how Jack would have reacted either- he may have inherited the Mitchell sensitivity...)
Sawyer is an eating machine. He's also fond of making really loud screeching noises, so it's nice to have some food around to keep that little mouth occupied.
The three older members of the family snuck out on the boat last weekend to savor that fleeting early fall warm weather. Jack likes to watch his dad fish and he even did a little fishing himself with a toy fishing rod made by Brent. No bites, though. Maybe next time. (Secretly I was relieved- even though Brent does catch and release, that whole hook through the mouth think kind of freaks me out. Not sure how Jack would have reacted either- he may have inherited the Mitchell sensitivity...)
Man, we live in a beautiful place. As we floated along the McKenzie I was kicking myself for not venturing out on the boat sooner. We scouted out some sweet swimming holes for next summer.
Brent is off on a river trip this weekend and I am taking the kids to an orchard harvest party with some pals tomorrow and calling in sick to work on Monday. Woohoo!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sawyer Smiles, Monkey Scores, Lily Twirls
Oh hello there! Have you been expecting blog updates?
Things have been pretty busy around here what with Sawyer's new mobility and his enthusiastic appetite/lack of table manners. He rolls and rolls all over the place- sometimes from room to room if you don't keep a close eye on him. Sawyer's foods of choice so far are bananas and peas, but I think he is starting to catching on to the fact that we eat way better than he does. Last night he grabbed a fistful of spaghetti off my plate and shoved it into his mouth. He is a messy, messy guy, but man this kid is happy. He smiles with his whole body and his laugh is totally contagious.
This is what happens when you cut the fabric for the baby's pajamas and set it aside for two months. At least they fit the monkey. We've been talking about Halloween and Jack is pretty excited to be... a puppy (once again! Hey, that suit was big on him last year- I think we can get another season out of it!). But I think Jack has become confused about the upcoming holidays as he said something the other day about Santa bringing him a pumpkin on Christmas. His vocabulary and imagination have been running wild lately and he's been quite entertaining.
And finally, this one is for my Grandma Helen and Aunt Bobbi: Lily in the twirl skirt.
Happy fall. I love this time of year, even though it means I am back at work. I love the fresh newness that comes with the start of a school year and the flexibility and creativity that my job entails. I love seeing kids get sucked into a book and make meaningful connections between something we read and their own lives. I love the fact that this is my fifth year of teaching and I finally feel like I know what I am doing.
Most of all, though, I am loving coming home each afternoon to my three happy boys and hearing about their adventures from the day.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
One last trip...
before it was time for Mama to head back to work. We celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary and spent a few days in Oceanside with our friends Lissa and Arlo and their son, Jack.
The big boys were adventurous enough to go crabbing in the bay. We weren't sure if Jack could handle three hours on a boat, but he was a champ (he even took a power nap while at sea).
They came back with a ton of crab! We had a lovely dinner outside and it was noted that Arlo had dressed appropriately for the occasion.
We came home to a wonderful surprise- an egg! Hazel has finally begun to lay and it's been so nice to have a fresh egg appear in the hen house every morning.
Monday, September 7, 2009
A Day at the Zoo
(No really, the Portland Zoo. Not just another day at the zoo we call our house...)
"Hey Mom! How 'bout we get a giraffe?"
Hmm. I don't think so.
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