Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We had a nice, non-hectic, family filled Christmas. We had Doug, Mary, Nick and Mishaun over for Christmas Eve dinner and then went to Grandma Linda's house the next day to see Brent's family. Jack made out like a bandit, despite the fact that his own parents only got him one gift (!). We had a marathon session of opening Jack's presents and our living room now looks like a very messy aisle in Toys R Us.
Opening presents takes a long time when you have a 10 month old doing it. Jack really liked the wrapping paper and the bows.

The tongue comes out during times of intense concentration.

Glad these toys aren't made in China! Thanks Aunt Tracie!

He FREAKED out when he saw his rocking horse from Nick and Mishaun. It nods its head and wags its tail and makes galloping and neighing sounds. Jack just can't get enough of it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Here's a shot from a few weeks ago. We haven't had any photo-worthy moments for awhile due to the projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea episodes of late. Seriously, this is so gross. I thought it wasn't supposed to be that bad when it's your own kid...

Tonight's upchuck actually hit the wall with a giant splat. It was all I could do to keep my own dinner down and immediately I was reminded of that part in Stand By Me where the whole town barfs pie all over each other. It really shot out of his mouth like a hose. I have never seen anything quite like that before in my life. We Mitchells have notoriously weak stomachs (Nick used to gag on toothpaste!) and I just don't know how much more of the barfing and liquid diapers I can take..

Oh, and Brent has it, too. Fortunately he can actually take care of himself. Mostly.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Hiking the Butte

We all hiked the butte the other weekend. Jack likes his pack and enjoyed his free ride to the top. It was an amazing day!
And check out those teeth. He's getting three more on the top. Yikes! Those suckers are sharp...