Sunday, August 31, 2008

Weekend with the Fam

Where do I start? It's been a busy week or so... Last weekend my aunt Bobbi (hi Bobbi!) and uncle Jeff and cousin Lauren visited. Jeff is Jack's new best friend. He wanted to do everything that Jeff did and thought he was the funniest person ever (I'll admit, he is pretty funny). We had a fun dinner get together and sleep over and then went to the Saturday Market the next morning. We caravaned up to Canby and stayed over with my aunt Jacie (hi Jacie!), who served us a lovely breakfast including hand cut melon (inside joke).

I went back to work last week and Jack started at his new daycare, so it's been a bit of an adjustment period around here. He seems to like his new school (and so far, we do too) and so that makes the whole thing a lot easier. Luckily for all of us, I don't do the morning drop off, that's Brent's job (and he does it much better than I would!).
In other news, (I think most of you know this already) Jack will be getting a sibling in March. I've been struggling with the morning sickness (aka all day long sickness) and extreme fatigue for the past few weeks. I think it's starting to ease up, though, because today was the first time in I don't know how long that I could actually plan, prepare, and eat dinner. Woohoo.
Wow. I sure can use up the parentheses, can't I? Well, there you have it- that's the news around here.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


You pick blueberries are only $1.25 per pound. And they don't even charge for the pounds eaten by toddlers while picking. What a deal!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Vacation in Montana!

Here are a few of the many pictures from our trip to Montana. We drove to Lake Oswego first to visit with Jack's Uncle Frank and Aunt Tracie and then to Spokane, where we stayed with our friends Beth and Kelly and their son Landon. The boys played so well together and had so much fun that it was hard to leave the next day.

The next leg of the journey took us through Idaho and into Montana. Our destination was Flathead Lake, and we arrived late that afternoon. The cabin belongs to Mary's mother and the family has owned it since 1962. They built the whole thing themselves and it still has that '60s feel to it (especially in the bathroom!). The lake was beautiful and we had a small boat to explore the area with.

The best part of the cabin was watching the sun come up over the lake each morning. The sunsets weren't bad, either.

The water was a tad bit too cold for Jack, although Brent and I swam each afternoon while Jack took his nap. He did enjoy going out on the inner tube with his dad.

We spent a day in Missoula and stayed with Mary's mom, Lois. While Brent went fly fishing, Lois and I took Jack down to the carousel on the waterfront. It was his first time riding one and he loved it. We stopped in again for a few more rides on our way out of town.

The drive home was pretty brutal (isn't that always the way?). It was hotter than ever and Jack was (understandably) sick and tired of being in the car. We stopped in Spokane for a break and took Jack to the waterfront park. He got to ride another carousel (!!) and got soaking wet in the fountains. We drove to the Tri Cities area and planned to spend the night there. All the hotels were booked and we learned that there was a Jehovah's Witness conference in town for the weekend. What are the odds? Finally Brent sweet talked the receptionist in a fancy hotel into giving us a great deal on a super nice room. We played in the pool and Jack got to stay up until 11:30 (his own personal record). We all three slept in the king sized bed and that night seemed like a mini vacation of its own.

Now that we're back I'm just trying to savor the last few weeks of summer. Why does it always go by so fast?
PS: I just want you all to know that the spacing on the post is driving my crazy and I've already tried three times to fix it and I'm feeling very frustrated! So we're just going to have to live with it, okay? And if anyone knows how to fix it, let me know so that I can sleep a little easier at night.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Cinco and George!

We played at the park with Jack's buddies, Cinco and George. These guys really know how to have fun on a playground. This is George (I think) feeding a snack to Jack.

We just returned from a week in Montana. Photos coming soon!

Friday, August 1, 2008

A Pair of Jacks

We went to Silver Falls a few weekends ago for a picnic with my childhood friends, Lissa and Sally, and their families.

Lissa's son is also named Jack, which made for some confusion, but the two Jacks got along famously despite the six year age difference.