This is what I found when I exited the shower recently. Not only does Jack enjoy unrolling the toilet paper, but he also apparently likes to eat it. Gross. So now we keep the toilet paper on the back of the toilet and out of his reach. It's quite inconvenient for those of us who actually use the toilet. We have pretty much closed off the other bathroom in our house because, in that bathroom, we have caught him methodically pulling out pieces of the rug to chew on. I swear we do feed this kid..
We also had to finally install those child proof latch thingies to the kitchen cupboards. I cannot tell you how many times Brent and I have forgotten that the latches are there and practically pulled the doors off the cupboards. I guess we must be slow learners. Jack figured out right away that he could no longer ransack the kitchen and was quite upset. He now repeatedly pulls and slams the doors. I think that maybe his getting into everything was actually easier on the nerves.
Installing the latches was quite the ordeal. We recently discovered that Jack is afraid of the drill (I blame Brent for this, although I have no proof of any wrongdoing on his part). I mean he is really petrified of the thing. While Brent was drilling into the cabinet doors I had to continuously reassure Jack in the other room. I guess I can relate to his fear of small appliances. When I was a child, I had a debilitating fear of the blender. I still have no idea why. My mom would have to yell "Blender!" each time she wanted to use it and I would run and hide under my bed. I'm okay with blenders now, but I still do get a little anxious around the garbage disposal...
I loved the thing about the blender! Too funny!
Jack! What did you do!?
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