Friday, August 7, 2009

Odds and Ends

Well the big news around here these days is that Jack has traded in his diapers for big boy underwear! I am still getting used to finding his little undies in the wash and seeing the bright colors and Ernie, Elmo, and Thomas mixed in with our clothing. 

The girls are becoming more and more adventurous and like to come up on the deck and peek in the sliding glass door. This can be very creepy at times...

Okay, I don't normally do this, because this isn't that kind of blog, but I am sharing a recipe with you all because I just KNOW that some of you out there are being bombarded with zucchini right now and looking for creative ways to use it up...

Amazing Zucchini Pancakes

2 eggs
1 cup white flour
1 cup wheat flour
1 cup plain yogurt
1 T brown sugar
2 T melted butter
2 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
pinch of cinnamon
handful of grated zucchini
1/2 cup chocolate chips

Mix together and add enough milk to create desired consistency. Cook, eat, enjoy!

We are starting to see how much fun two boys are going to be...

Jack and Lily painted a big box. After looking at these photos, I decided it was finally time to give Jack a haircut...

Sawyer has become the smiliest, happiest little guy. He is a joy.

Not only does he suck his thumb, he has also discovered his toes.

The summer seems to be slipping away, but we are making the most of what is left by picnicking in the park, hitting up the local wading pools, picking green beans for the freezer, and spending time in the back yard.  I hope you all are savoring this season as well.


Sally Deck said...

I'm so jealous of your clothesline. I think I'm going to get one while Brian is on the raft trip next week (did you hear he gets to go with my dad and your dad?! What a kick, eh?!)
He'll be so exhausted when he returns, maybe he won't notice it... :)

MaryAnne said...

Cassadie - no fair talking about summer slipping away - I'm not ready to admit that yet... Let's see how many more fun times we can cram into these last few weeks!

MaryAnne said...

Since we've been up here at my parents' Lily has asked to see pictures of Jack so we look at this particular entry daily. She likes to talk about Jack, Dodo, the chickens, and Jack's panties (sorry!).