Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Brent!

Brent turned the big three-one last weekend and we celebrated as any couple with two small children should- in the safety of our own home. Amberlee and Jonas came over and we attempted to recreate the memorable fondue that we had at Christmas. Let's just say it did not quite turn out, but that did not stop us from shamelessly dunking our bread and scraping hunks of solidified cheese off the bottom. Hey, wine and cheese is still wine and cheese. I blame the inadequate Fred Meyer gruyere selection...

When we were getting ready for our guests I had the revelation that this would be a good occasion to get some pictures of the adults for a change. We have just about a billion pictures of the kids and occasionally my arm or perhaps Brent's shoulder makes an appearance, but ask me for a picture of one of us or the two of us together and I just might have to go digging through the wedding photos.

So I placed the camera conspicuously on the table and instructed everyone that photos were to be taken of the adults only. Let's just ignore the cherubic toddler and the (finally) smiling baby. Let's focus on the grown ups for once. Ha ha. You know where this is going already...

Photo of birthday boy with Amberlee, check.

Wait! How did Jack manage to sneak into this one?

At last, the weary parents sans offspring!

And here's one for posterity. (Those cheeks! For the love of god- those cheeks! How could I not include a picture of those cheeks?) No pics of Jonas, though. Maybe next time.


Sally Deck said...

Happy Birthday Brent! I love the pic of the two of you!

Not quite the Bradys said...

Happy birthday, Brent! This is the first actual picture I've seen of Brent ever. Yay for you, Cassadie cuz he's sorta a Baldwin. : ) Cassadie- I'm not sure what it is- something about the eyes I think but in one of these pictures you look a LOT like I remember your mom. Just thought I'd share.