Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Dear Jack and Sawyer,

You might not believe this, I have not always been your mother. Long, long ago I was someone else who went by the name of Cassadie. Even thought I thought I was happy back in those days, you two have taught me what happiness really is all about...

Jack, for you happiness is blueberry pancakes on Saturday morning, mowing the lawn with your various mowing toys, "helping" Daddy outside, reading the same books over and over again, narrating the day's events to whoever will listen, and watching out the window for the garbage truck on Monday mornings. Thank you for showing me the world through your eyes. You're right, the garbage truck is actually pretty cool.

Sawyer, you are a different sort of baby. We try not to compare you to your brother, but I am afraid it is inevitable. You are already your own person and you let us know that from day one. For you, happiness is simple: you just want to be held. A particular way. And bounced a certain way. And whatever you do, just don't sit down! You have the goofiest smile that really lights up the room. You are well on your way to finding  your own thumb to suck. I hope it brings you years of joy, as it did for me. Thank you for teaching me that it's okay to ditch the drudgery of housework for awhile and just hold you. That's more fun than folding laundry anyway.

You boys are the best. I am lucky to have you.

1 comment:

Erin and Garrett said...

so sweet! Hope you had a great Mother's Day!