We had a nice weekend visiting my Aunt Karen in Oregon City (Hi Karen!) despite the fact that the AC is broken in the Volvo and I had to drive there and back in the heat of the day (aka nap time). We had a little family bbq and Jack put on a really good show of being the most perfect toddler of all time. Or at least a decently behaved one. I never noticed before this weekend how weird Jack's preoccupation with garbage cans is. Everyone thought it was so funny. I guess Brent and I are just used to it. You know how when you're a kid and you just assume that everybody does the weird things that your family does (like eat dinner by candlelight every single night) and then there's that moment when you're with someone else's family and you do that weird thing (like ask where the candles are) and everyone looks at you like you are crazy? It was kinda like that.
And while I was gone, Brent started Kitchen Remodel 2008, which started as my bright idea to paint the cabinets and replace the hardware. But then the counter tops look really bad next to those freshly painted cabinets so we'll have to replace them. But then the flooring will look really bad next to those cabinets and that new counter top so we'll have to replace the kitchen floor. But then the living room floor will look really bad next to a new kitchen floor so let's just redo the floors throughout the whole house... and the doors! Don't even get me started on the doors! Ack! Somebody make it stop!
So whenever y'all want to come over and entertain Jack while we continue to redo every single last part of our house, just let me know.
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