Monday, July 28, 2008

Shameless Bragging

You know that expression "a face only a mother could love" is just so true. One time when I was in high school my best friend (at the time) and I saw this... hmmm... not-so-cute baby at the store. The mom leaned toward the baby and said "Oh, aren't you so cute!". Right then and there my friend and I made a pact that we would tell each other if one of us had an ugly baby.

I guess I'll never know for sure now, since the friend and I are no longer friends, but I'm pretty sure that Jack is exceptionally cute. Here's why:

We were at the park yesterday and Jack was chasing after a ball on the basketball court. Two gangsta wanna-be looking teenagers were lounging nearby in the grass when one says to the other, "Dude, that's one cute kid." The other guy agreed.

You just don't see stuff like that everyday. He really must be cute.

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