Saturday, April 19, 2008

Let it... Sun?

What's with this weather?

I'm sooo over winter. Here we are, still nursing our sunburns from last weekend's scorching 80 degree sunfest and we wake up this morning to SNOW. Huh? First of all, it's April. There should be no more snow. We have suffered through winter and paid our living in Oregon dues. We are all ready for the sun. We need the sun. Don't tease us with an 80 degree Saturday, then come back at us with the white stuff. Secondly, if we have to have snow I at least want to miss a day of school. So this snow on Saturday business really ticks me off.

On top of this whole snow fiasco, I discovered something quite disturbing today. I no longer get carded. I've been suspecting this for awhile now, but it used to be that I'd pull out my wallet and the cashier would go ahead and ask for my ID, even if maybe he or she hadn't planned on it. But now there I stand, wallet in hand as my alcoholic purchases get scanned right on through with the bananas and diaper wipes. It's because I have a kid now, isn't it? Like the camera adding ten pounds or something...

Speaking of age, Brent turned the big three-oh on Friday. In honor of Brent's birthday, I'd like to tell you all a bit about what makes Brent such a great guy:
  • Brent loves his mom. I'll never forget the first time I heard him answer his phone, "Hi Mama!" It's really sweet. You gotta love a guy who loves his mama.
  • Brent is squeaky clean. He tidies up after himself and does his fair share of housework. He makes the bed like he's preparing for a military inspection. He spends over an hour cleaning the bathroom. You've already heard about the counter tops and the garage floor. You get the idea.
  • He heartily appreciates a good meal.
  • Brent can whip up a website in seconds flat. He can crack even the toughest html codes. He can tell you if your text is competing with your images.
  • Brent is a super-dad. He is the inventor of such creative games as "put the bag over your head and spin around" and "laundry basket airplane" to name a few.
  • Brent has the most beautiful and perfect feet you will ever see on a guy. He once modeled sandals for a catalogue.

So there you have it. My salute to Brent on his 30th birthday. See how all this time stuck inside gives me a chance to extoll the virtues of the one I love? Maybe this snow is not so bad after all.

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