Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Talented and Gifted

When we were at the mall the other day I was pushing Jack in his stroller and every single person we passed was smiling at him. I thought it was because he is so darn cute, but apparently he has picked up a new habit (har har).

But here's why we're now convinced he's a genius (we had our suspicions before): He can pick his nose on command. You just say those magic words and he crams his fingers right up there. We are so proud.

1 comment:

Not quite the Bradys said...

Hee hee! And you (like every other parent on the planet) probably thought that YOUR child wouldn't do that. : ) The Pinkiest(5) has taken this skill to new levels. She habitually sucks her index and middle fingers together. She did it in utero, I delivered her with her hand in her mouth (not joking!) and they remain there still. Starting about a year ago she realized that she could simultaneously pick her nose with her ring finger of the same hand so that she'd NEVER have to extricate her fingers from her mouth. I don't condone this, but I think it's dang funny. : )