Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Why We're Moving to Norway

We've been reading Tom Sawyer in my 8th grade classes for the past few weeks. Here's one of the more memorable moments from the unit.

Me talking to my class: "Open up your books, we're on page 105."

Student, genuinely amazed: "Hey, that's exactly where my bookmark was!"

Ladies and gentlemen, the future leaders of our country....

1 comment:

Not quite the Bradys said...

Hahahahaha! But I have to say, I find
"Hey, that's exactly where my bookmark was!"
a legitimate sentiment. I would have said something very similar if I had ever used bookmarks in middle school. Instead, I preferred to let the teacher do the work of keeping track of where we SHOULD be and exactly how far behind I was. : ) I was your worst nightmare. Aren't you glad I'm a grownup now?