Jack's new favorite word is "baa baa" which is really the "smurf" of his vocabulary. He uses it for just about everything, from brooms to garbage cans to bunnies to bubbles. It's pretty inconvenient, actually. He starts in with the baa baas and you have no idea which baa baa he's talking about. Also, everything is a question right now, complete with the I-don't-know hand gestures.
So our conversations goes something like this:
Jack: Baa baa?
Me: Yes, it's the garbage can.
Jack: Baa baa?
Me: Oh, you mean the bunny?
Jack: Baa baa?!
Me: Bubbles? You want to see your bubbles?
Jack: BAA BAA?!
Me: Broom? Is it the broom you want?
Jack: Baa baa?
Me: Baa baa.

Jack with the baa baa.
1 comment:
Welcome to world of kidspeak. : ) Time to put those language skills to work. You majored in a foreign language so I figure you already have a leg-up on the other moms. You'll get proficient at it soon enough.
Have you ever watched the smurfs in French? Everything is "ooo la la". Funny.
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