Remember what I said about baby toys? Who needs 'em! Especially when there are rocks to count. When Brent was little, so the story goes, he used to line up all of his little cars in perfect rows and he also used to get really mad if any of his cousins messed up his room. I think Jack may have inherited some of Brent's tendencies as he is obsessed lately with lining up rocks from below our deck. He really does NOT like it if you move the rocks. Trust me. I'm just glad he finally stopped putting them into his mouth...

I came home on Monday to a sick baby so I decided to take Tuesday off. Turns out Jack was fine, but Brent and I both woke up to some weird stomach flu. Jack was running all around all chipper and excited that we were both home while Brent and I were taking turns collapsing into bed. It was a
looooong day. Several house rules were broken during this period of desperation: Jack ate graham crackers in the living room and he watched TV- gasp! He thought it was all a big party and was loving every minute of it. He was clapping along with "The View" and feeding his crackers to the couch cushions. It was all I could do to muster the strength to fill his
sippy cup and toss some more crackers to him every once in awhile. I started to feel bad about my lapse in good parenting and then it occurred to me that this is what it's like for babies who have drug addicts as parents- TV as a babysitter, food in the living room, mom passed out on the couch. And then I reminded myself that we aren't drug addicts, we are pretty good parents who happen to have the stomach flu, so then I felt better.
We are both feeling much better now. And good thing, too, since we are out of graham crackers.
Don't feel bad. That is what every American couple without a nanny goes through when they get tandem flu-bugs. It doesn't make you a bad parent. Besides, one or two days a year of t.v. viewing is not going to corrupt his brain or undo the other 363 days of healthy activities. : )
Steve also was a child known to line things up. What does it mean? According to family lore (which, by the way is highly suspect) he spent a long time lining up cards up and down the hallway when he was 2 or 3. Peter has yet to show this trait. He continues to be more like me- loud, wild, and disorganized.
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